Guest Posting on The Weedologist

The Weedologist accepts guest posts from writers covering relevant topics. We do not offer sponsored posts, paid links, paid placements or any favor-ability in reviews based on payments or providing products for review. Advertisers also do not obtain any favorable reviews.

These are the basic requirements for a guest post on our site:

  1. The writer must have first hand knowledge of the product or service they are submitting a post about.
  2. No links to affiliate sites.
  3. The topic must be related to CBD, THC or Cannabis related products and services. On the submission form, we have the category selections limited to the current areas we are accepting submissions for.
  4. Links must be only to the highest quality content with benefiting the reader in mind. We will reject any articles that are sales propaganda.
  5. No religious, sexual or political topics
  6. Each submitted article must be a minimum of 300 words.
  7. Avoid long introductions; get straight to the point.
  8. Our submission form allows for the uploading of supported images only. If you want to add a video to the post, add the link in the content section and we will adjust the post accordingly.
  9. You must disclose any partnerships with, or investments in, any companies/technologies covered in the story.

If you meet these requirements feel free to send us a guest post request.

We receive lots of guest post requests, but someone from our editing team will get back to you as quickly as possible. If this is your first time posting, we will respond with feedback and information to make your future post more successful.

You are welcome to submit as many post as you would like. If you intend on submitting multiple post, we highly recommend creating an Author Profile on the first submission so you can get proper link backs and credit.

Meeting the above requirements does not guarantee your post will be approved. TheWeedologist reserves the right to remove or modify any post.

Submit your post below: