Cannabis Advocacy News: Monthly 2024 Roundup for Weed Enthusiast

Cannabis Advocacy News: Monthly 2024 Roundup for Weed Enthusiast

Hey Weedologists!

Welcome back to another round-up of the hottest cannabis advocacy news. April was a busy month with significant developments on both national and state levels. Let’s dive in and explore what’s been brewing in the world of weed!

Federal Fronts Heat Up: Rescheduling on the Horizon?

The pressure is mounting on the DEA to reschedule cannabis. With a growing number of states legalizing for recreational and medical use, advocates are calling for an end to federal prohibition. In a recent statement, a leading cannabis advocate highlighted the need for a “persuasive evidentiary record” to push the DEA towards rescheduling. Could this be a sign of a long-awaited policy shift? We’ll be keeping a close eye on this developing story!

Studies Squash Reefer Madness Rhetoric: No Surge in Youth Use

Good news for responsible cannabis consumers! A recent study by the American Medical Association (AMA) found no evidence that legalization for adults increases youth cannabis use. This research adds to a growing body of evidence debunking the “reefer madness” myths that have fueled cannabis prohibition for decades.

Banking on Reform: Bipartisan Support for Safe Banking Act?

The SAFE Banking Act, which would allow cannabis businesses access to the banking system, is gaining momentum. With bipartisan support in the Senate, this long-stalled legislation might finally see the light of day. This would be a major victory for the cannabis industry, as it would provide much-needed financial stability and reduce reliance on cash transactions.

State-by-State Updates: Victories and Setbacks

The cannabis advocacy landscape continues to evolve at the state level. Here are some noteworthy developments:

  • Maine: Governor Mills signed legislation providing a pathway for expunging marijuana-related convictions. This is a significant step towards restorative justice for those unfairly targeted by cannabis prohibition.
  • New York: While recreational cannabis sales have begun, a recent investigation revealed the state’s prioritization of private investors over social equity and taxpayer interests. This raises concerns about the long-term social and economic impact of legalization in New York.
  • North Dakota: Recreational marijuana backers received the green light to gather signatures for a ballot initiative. This could pave the way for adult-use legalization in the state.
  • Kansas: Unfortunately, lawmakers failed to legalize medical marijuana or expand Medicaid access. This leaves Kansas as one of the few remaining states without a medical cannabis program.

Stay Informed, Get Involved!

These are just a few highlights from a busy month in cannabis advocacy. For a deeper dive into the ongoing push for legalization across the US, check out our post  Cannabis Advocacy News: Push for Legalization

Remember, cannabis advocacy news is constantly evolving. Stay informed, get involved with your local cannabis advocacy groups, and let your voice be heard!

The information contained in this blog post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Read our full disclaimer.


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