Advertising on The Weedologist: Rates and Information

Interested in advertising on The Weedologist? You are on the right page. The Weedologist is a rapidly growing site and had over 3,500,000 ad impressions for February of 2020. Our focus is on vape cartridges, dab pens, extracts, CBD, THC and cannabis related products and services.

Information on Advertising on The Weedologist

The majority of The Weedologist’s traffic comes directly from organic search. We do not sell links, we do not offer paid reviews or sponsored posts. Our reviews only give an honest opinion of the product. Companies do not need to advertise to have products reviewed and there are no fees for product reviews.

Ad sizes: Our site delivers both mobile and desktop ads

We offer ads in the following sizes (in pixels):

125×125, 160×300, 320×50, 300×250, 300×600, 728×90, 970×90, 970×250

Impression based advertising

Our advertising rates are done per 1,000 verified impressions (also known as CPM). Use any ad sizes you prefer and we will assist you in running the most optimal campaign. You may choose to only run the ad sizes that perform the best.

Interesting in advertising with us? Email [email protected] to get started and someone from our team will get back to you.